2016 ASCO-GI in San Francisco
2016 ASCO-GI in San Francisco
2016年1月21日~23日にサンフランシスコにてASCO-GI 2016が開催されました。
北海道大学病院 結城敏志先生 Observational Cohort Study of First-line Bevacizumab with Oxaliplatin or Irinotecan and Fluoropyrimidines in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: HGCSG0802 : Analysis of early tumor shrinkage (ETS)
北海道大学病院 村中徹人先生 Phase II trial of bolus 5-FU/l-LV regimen as salvage line chemotherapy for oral fluorouracil resistant unresectable gastric cancer : HGCSG1502
市立札幌病院消化器内科 中村路夫先生 Updated analysis: Observation Cohot Study of 1st line Bevacizumab Combined with Chemotherapy in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer (HGCSG0802): Sub-group Analysis by KRAS Exon2 status.
市立札幌病院消化器内科 大場彩音先生 Thromboembolism Incidence in Patients With Gastrointestinal Tract Cancer Receiving Chemotherapy: A Single-Institutional Retrospective Cohort Analysis 秋田赤十字病院腫瘍内科 武藤理先生 Observational Cohort Study of 1st line Bevacizumab Combined with Chemotherapy in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer (HGCSG0802): Sub-group Analysis by the GERCOR index. KKR札幌医療センター斗南病院腫瘍内科 近藤知大先生 Updated analysis : Phase II trial of Irinotecan/S-1/Cetuximab (IRIS/Cet) as second line treatment in patients with KRAS exon2 wild type metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) : HGCSG0902. -Comparison of administration interval in Cetuximab treatment. 手稲渓仁会病院腫瘍内科 石黒敦先生 Prospective observational study forthe impact of short-term periodic intravenous steroid premedication for gastrointestinal cancer chemotherapy on bone metabolism. (ESPRESSO-01 study))
(文責:澤田 憲太郎)